Next meeting (See Calendar for Satellite meetings)-
The next TPACC meeting is on March 20, 2018 from 11:30 to 1:00 at Health South Rehab Hospital in Franklin, TN.
If you are unable to attend but would like to join us by phone conference, dial: 1-563-999-2090. Access Code: 399964.
Current TPACC Workgroups:
TPACC workgroups comprised of members with special talents, expertise and skills who are focusing on specific clinical areas to help reduce unnecessary readmissions in our community. If you are interested in joining one of our workgroups, please let one of our leadership members know and we will be happy to connect you with the group that best fits your interests and abilities.
Discharge Planning:
Workgroup Leader-
Pat Limbaugh
NHC Home Care Community Development
Medication Safety/ADE:
Workgroup Leader-
Lindsey Jett, CPhT
Quality Improvement Advisor
Hospice/End of Life:
Workgroup Leaders-
Debbie Glover
Lisa Williams
Workgroup Leader-
Maggie Lea
Home Instead Senior Care