Next meeting (See Calendar for Satellite meetings)-
The next TPACC meeting is on March 20, 2018 from 11:30 to 1:00 at Health South Rehab Hospital in Franklin, TN.
If you are unable to attend but would like to join us by phone conference, dial: 1-563-999-2090. Access Code: 399964.
Participation is open to those interested in actively engaging in the planning and work of the coalition, including:
- Healthcare Providers (hospitals, SNF, physicians, home health, dialysis, hospice, palliative care, etc.)
- Provider associations
- Consumer Advocacy Organizations
- Government Organizations (health dept., Area Agency on Aging, etc.)
- Educational Organizations, Academics
- Professionals
- Patients, family members, caregivers
- Funding organizations
Goals of TPACC
To ensure the right level of care at the right time for the right patient.
To create seamless transitions between care providers for patients through collaboration.
To reduce readmissions by 20% by 2019.
To increase Medicare patient number of nights spent at home by 10% by 2019.
To Reduce ADEs and promote medication safety.
* Please note: All meetings are free from sales and solicitation, and no one may profit financially from membership in the coalition.