Next meeting (See Calendar for Satellite meetings)-
The next TPACC meeting is on March 20, 2018 from 11:30 to 1:00 at Health South Rehab Hospital in Franklin, TN.
If you are unable to attend but would like to join us by phone conference, dial: 1-563-999-2090. Access Code: 399964.
Upcoming events:
Next meeting-
The next TPACC meeting is on March 20, 2018 from 11:30 to 1:00 at Health South Rehab Hospital in Franklin, TN.
If you are unable to attend but would like to join us by phone conference, dial: 1-563-999-2090. Access Code: 399964.
See Calendar page for additional Workgroup meetings, etc.
Welcome to fellow community members!!!
We are happy you have joined our group! We are committed to improved quality outcomes for the patients we serve in our communities.
Some of the first things on our agenda at leadership are to expand the group so that we have a larger working base to accomplish the goals we have set. We appreciate all that each of you do, but we do not want anyone to become overwhelmed with the tasks at hand. At the end of the day, we all have to get our real world jobs done as well to pay the bills, right? Additionally, we want to empower the Workgroups and their leaders to really step up, take ownership and focus on forward progress to reducing unnecessary re-admissions by tracking and communicating their successes in their areas of expertise. Some groups have leaders, some need leaders. We can help you orgnanize at future meetings if you need assistance.
Email- While all of the group leaders will continue to be available via their usual contact means, we have created a Mid TN TPACC email address for general questions from website visitors, publication on flyers, etc. Additionally, this email account will allow us to host webcasts through Google Hangouts, share files via Google Docs, etc. Should you need it, the email address is:
Facebook- We will continue to maintain our existing Facebook page. The only change is that we recently discovered that we are only permitted to have active members on any of our social media accounts for regulatory purposes. Active membership does not mean that you have to attend every meeting, lead a group or go above and beyond. just that you are, in fact, engaged with our organization and actively participating. Unfortunately, we've had to delete a few members that were on our page, but never really participated. So if you notice a few less "friends" this is why. Here is a link to our Facebook page if you aren't already in that group:
LinkedIn-You are invited to join a LinkedIn group titled TPACC of Middle Tennessee:
Please visit the Contact page to reach out to individual leaders.
Thank you for your participation!
Our Vision: Improved health and quality of life for our community
Our Mission: To establish best practices for reducing re-hospitalizations throughout the healthcare continuum
“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” -Henry Ford